The Advisors' Blog

This blog features wisdom from respected compensation consultants and lawyers

December 7, 2017

What Is “Just” When It Comes to “CEO-to-Average Worker” Pay?

Broc Romanek

Here’s the ending from this Forbes article:

Coming back to the polling results, it is not clear what a fair or just CEO:Median Worker Pay ratio actually is, or what people think it should be. Ordinary workers are more concerned with putting food on the table for their families and being treated fairly relative to their coworkers. When it comes to CEO pay, however, we think the real moral of the story is not only that the numbers be disclosed, but that we consider them in the context of fair treatment and shared value.

High CEO pay may be perfectly fine in situations where companies are doing well financially and all workers are sharing in that. Or where workers themselves feel fairly compensated and make more than a living wage. Where the red flags exist are where too many people do not make a living wage, where CEOs are taking too much of the pie at the expense of workers, or where there is some other obvious injustice or imbalance. Boards of Directors setting executive compensation packages would do well to keep this in mind. Going forward, we’ll continue to track CEO pay ratios, and hope that companies will disclose these numbers, providing transparency on the issues Americans care most about, whether they’re required to or not.