"The Top Compensation Consultants Speak"

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

2:00 - 3:00 pm, eastern [archive and transcript to follow]

Our annual webcast focusing on what compensation committees should be learning about—and considering—today. Join these experts:

  • Mike Kesner, Principal-in-Charge, Human Capital Advisory Services, Deloitte Consulting LLP
  • Blair Jones, Managing Principal, Semler Brossy
  • Ira Kay, Managing Partner, Pay Governance LLC

Among the important topics that will require up-to-the-minute guidance, the webcast will cover:

  • What every director and compensation committee member should be asking—and focusing upon—today
  • Practical guidance, inside tips and red flags from those "in the know"
  • Latest trends & developments

Cost: As 2014 members of CompensationStandards.com are able to attend this critical webcast at no charge, you need to renew or try a no-risk trial now. Otherwise, the webcast cost for non-members is $695. You can renew or sign up for a no-risk trial online - or by fax or mail via this order form. If you need assistance, send us an email at info@CompensationStandards.com - or call us at 925.685.5111.

How to access the webcast program: Visit CompensationStandards.com and click the link on the webcast. You need either Windows Media or Real Media to listen to the webcast.

What you can do if you can't access the live program: If you have a scheduling conflict or have problems accessing webcasts generally (due to firewalls, etc.), an audio archive of the webcast will be posted immediately after the program - and a text transcript of the program will be posted on CompensationStandards.com about a week after the live webcast. If you want to download the audio after the webcast is over, we understand that you can do that with software called SoundLeech.


For more information, contact info@compensationstandards.com or call 925.685.5111.
, Executive Press, Inc.
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