The Advisors' Blog

This blog features wisdom from respected compensation consultants and lawyers

September 21, 2009

Microsoft Becomes First Company to Adopt Triennial Alternative for Say-on-Pay

Broc Romanek,

Late Friday, Microsoft announced that its board authorized moving forward with a triennial say on pay approach starting with this year’s meeting, being held on November 19th. On the “Microsoft on the Issues” Blog, the company’s General Counsel and Deputy General Counsel provide more background on the issue and details of the plan adopted.

You may recall that the Carpenters Union had been pushing this triennial alternative (as noted in this blog) – but that it had more recently withdrawn the proposals it had submitted to 20 companies on the topic in the wake of the House considering but rejecting the idea when it passed a say-on-pay bill in early August. Maybe Microsoft’s action will provide some momentum towards the idea, although it could be too late as the Senate plans to consider a bill in the coming months…