The Advisors' Blog

This blog features wisdom from respected compensation consultants and lawyers

March 23, 2010

Two Senate Banking Committee Amendments to Dodd’s Bill

Broc Romanek,

Following up on my blog this morning about the Dodd bill passing the Senate Banking Committee, I forgot to mention that there were two corporate governance amendments that made it into the Manager’s Amendment on the Dodd bill, both offered by Sen. Menendez (D-NJ):

– Require issuer disclosure of the ratio of average worker pay to CEO compensation

– Prohibit broker discretionary voting in advisory votes on executive compensation

And speaking of pay disparity, as a follow-up to my blog on the recent spate of shareholder proposals on pay disparity, it appears that the SEC Staff is rejecting requests from companies to exclude them under Rule 14a-8, as noted in this Reuters’ article.