August 25, 2010
Survey: Few US Companies Well Prepared for Say-on-Pay
– Broc Romanek,
When I first saw this press release from Towers Watson regarding how few companies are prepared for say-on-pay, I thought our marketing department had outdone itself since our far-reaching week of executive pay conferences comes up in less than a month – with an aggregate of over 50 panels on executive pay topics. If these conferences don’t help get you prepared, nothing will. You can either register for the three days of the “18th Annual NASPP Conference” (in Chicago) – or the two days of the “5th Annual Proxy Disclosure Conference” & “7th Annual Executive Compensation Conference” (in Chicago or by video webcast).
Here are highlights from the Towers Watson press release:
– Only 12% of respondents said they are very well prepared for the say-on-pay legislation, while 46% said they were somewhat prepared. Just under one-fourth of respondents (22%) didn’t know if their companies were ready.
– 69% said they were identifying potential executive pay issues and concerns in advance, while 60% said they were improving their CD&A to better explain the executive pay program’s rationale and appropriateness for the company. In addition, many companies indicated they are engaging with proxy advisors (44%) to discuss areas of concern, meeting with key institutional shareholders (29%) and preparing a formal communication plan (23%).
– More than one-half (59%) of respondents believe that proxy advisory firms have substantial influence on executive pay decision-making processes in U.S. companies. However, 42% said that guidelines established by proxy advisory firms have had no or minimal impact to this point on the design of their executive compensation programs.