The Advisors' Blog

This blog features wisdom from respected compensation consultants and lawyers

March 31, 2011

SEC Proposal: Use of Compensation Consultants and Other Advisors and Conflicts of Interest

Broc Romanek,

Yesterday, as noted in this press release, the SEC unanimously proposed rules to implement Section 952 of Dodd-Frank that would direct the exchanges to adopt listing standards relating to compensation committees regarding their use of compensation consultants and other advisors as well as conflicts of interest. These rules ultimately will provide a granular definition of “independence” in the compensation context.

From scanning the proposing release that was posted last night, the proposed rules would not add much to Section 952, much to the chagrin of those who emailed me after the meeting and were expecting the SEC to come up with a rules package that the exchanges could just adopt. But even if the exchanges are charged with fleshing out the statute, the SEC surely will be heavily involved behind the scenes as often happens with new listing standards since the SEC must approve them.

Dodd-Frank requires that final rules in this area be adopted by July and the deadline for comments is April 29th. Even if final rules are adopted timely by the SEC, it’s still possible that listing standards may not be in place before the 2012 proxy season since I believe the July deadline doesn’t apply to the exchanges. Memos on the proposal are being posted in the “SEC Rules” Practice Area.