The Advisors' Blog

This blog features wisdom from respected compensation consultants and lawyers

June 21, 2012

SEC Adopts Rules Requiring Listing Standards for Compensation Committees and Compensation Advisers

Broc Romanek,

Yesterday, the SEC finally adopted rules that direct the stock exchanges to adopt listing standards for compensation committees and compensation advisers under Section 952 of Dodd-Frank (Section 952 added Section 10C to the ’34 Act). The Commission adopted the rules by seriatim.

The stock exchanges have 90 days from when the SEC’s rules are published in the Federal Register to propose listing standards (and they have one year to finalize them). As noted in Mark Borges’ blog, if the exchanges and the SEC move quickly, it’s possible that the listing standards could be in place in time for the 2013 proxy season. In any event, there will be at least one new disclosure requirement in place for the 2013 proxy season – the adopting release provides that companies must comply with the disclosure changes in Item 407 of Regulation S-K in any proxy statement for a regular annual meeting occurring on or after January 1, 2013. This Item 407 change requires disclosure of an assessment of whether any work performed by a compensation consultant raises any conflict of interest (and if so to disclose the nature of the conflict and how it was addressed).

As Mike Melbinger’s blog notes, the SEC’s rules confirm that Section 10C does not require compensation committees to retain – or obtain advice – only from independent advisers. A listed issuer’s compensation committee may receive advice from non-independent counsel, such as in-house counsel or outside counsel retained by management, or from a non-independent compensation consultant or other adviser, including those engaged by management.

Here is the adopting release – and the press release. We will be posting memos in our “Compensation Committee” Practice Area. There are none out yet, but yet all three of our blogs have spoken on this development…

Tune in next Thursday, June 28th, for the webcast – “Proxy Season Post-Mortem: The Latest Compensation Disclosures” – to hear Mark Borges, Dave Lynn and Ron Mueller analyze what was (and what was not) disclosed this proxy season as well as discuss these new rules.