The Advisors' Blog

This blog features wisdom from respected compensation consultants and lawyers

July 18, 2014

Say-on-Pay: Now 53 Failures in ’14

Broc Romanek,

Here’s an excerpt from the latest by Semler Brossy:

We have collected Say on Pay vote results for 84 additional Russell 3000 companies, bringing our total to 2,207. The average vote result for all companies in 2014 is 91%. Five additional companies failed since last week’s report; 53 companies (2.4%) have failed so far this year. Of companies with four years of Say on Pay votes, 1,511 (92.0%) have passed all four years, 109 (6.6%) have passed in three years and failed in one year, 17 companies (1.0%) have passed in two years and failed in two years, three companies (0.2%) have passed in one year and failed in three years, and two companies (0.1%) have failed all four years. Proxy advisory firm ISS is recommending ‘against’ Say on Pay proposals at 13% of companies in 2014.