The Advisors' Blog

This blog features wisdom from respected compensation consultants and lawyers

December 2, 2014

Can CEO Pay Ever Be Reeled In?

Broc Romanek,

This article from The Atlantic entitled “Can CEO Pay Ever Be Reeled In?” is interesting. It goes deep into the history of pay, as well as the history of the modern corporation. Here’s an excerpt:

The problem isn’t that the political system doesn’t want to deal with excessive CEO pay. There have been any number of formal efforts to rein in executive pay, involving a host of direct regulation and tax changes. But most of the specific efforts to reduce executive pay—through major policies such as a limit on the tax deductibility of high salaries, as well as more modest accounting and disclosure legislation—have fallen short.

That’s because the story of skyrocketing executive pay is a story about our conception of the corporation and its responsibilities. And until we rethink our deepest assumptions about the corporation, we won’t be able to master the challenge of excessive CEO pay, or the inequality it generates. Is the CEO simply the agent of the company’s shareholders? Is the corporation’s only obligation to return short-term gains to shareholders? Or can we begin to think of the corporation in terms of the interests of all those who have a stake in its success—its customers, its community, and all of its employees? If we take the latter view, the challenge of CEO pay will become clearer and more manageable.