The Advisors' Blog

This blog features wisdom from respected compensation consultants and lawyers

August 24, 2015

Tomorrow’s “Pay Ratio Workshop” – Includes 22-Pages of Annotated Model Pay Ratio Disclosures!

Broc Romanek,

In the wake of the pay ratio rules being adopted, get a handle on what you need to do now during tomorrow’s “Pay Ratio Workshop.” The Course Materials for tomorrow include 22-pages of annotated model pay ratio disclosures (in Word to facilitate your starting point!) – and 128-pages of detailed analysis of executive pay disclosures made during the 2015 proxy season. The Course Materials alone are worth the price of admission.

But there’s more! This 4-hour audio-only event is paired with our much lengthier “Proxy Disclosure Conference” & “Say-on-Pay Workshop” that are being held in October. Register Now! Here’s a list of the 9 panels for the “Pay Ratio Workshop”:

– “Overview: The Final Rules”
– “Getting Ready for Compliance: Sampling & Other Data Issues”
– “Streamlining Your Compliance Efforts”
– “Board Presentations: What To Tell Boards Now”
– “Disclosure: Handling the Transition Period”
– “Parsing Model Disclosures: US-Only Workforces”
– “Parsing Model Disclosures: Global Workforces”
– “Parsing a Recent Pay Ratio Disclosure”
– “How to Handle PR & Employee Fallout”

pay ratio