The Advisors' Blog

This blog features wisdom from respected compensation consultants and lawyers

October 6, 2015

Say-on-Pay: 54 Failures So Far This Year

Broc Romanek,

I’ve kinda fallen off the “reporting on say-on-pay failures” bandwagon as the number of failures seems to be relatively flat every year – at least in the big picture. We’ve had 54 failures so far in 2015 – compared to 60 in ’14; 71 in ’13; 61 in ’12; and 43 in ’11 (per this video). This latest Semler Brossy report gives the head count for 2015. The primary interesting tidbit regarding the failures is how many companies who score 90% in one year then fall the next. About 15% who received 90% support face lower support the next year, and the average drop is 20%…