The Advisors' Blog

This blog features wisdom from respected compensation consultants and lawyers

January 25, 2016

Peer Group Analytics

Randi Morrison,

Audit Analytics’ recent analysis of Russell 3000 executive pay peer groups revealed these and other interesting findings:

– Notwithstanding the fact that pay benchmarking peers usually include close competitors, companies of similar size and stature, regional companies, etc., 12 of the 13 companies most frequently named as a peer by others (at least 44 times) are considered manufacturing companies according to their SIC codes, and all are mature – with more than half having been public since at least 1965.

– Ten companies listed 100 or more peers (one company listed 366 peers), whereas the typical peer group for this index consists of 17 peers:


– Some companies don’t use any outside peers or other benchmarks.

– The most frequently cited peer company, 3M Company, disclosed in its 2015 proxy statement the following compensation peer group selection factors: