The Advisors' Blog

This blog features wisdom from respected compensation consultants and lawyers

July 27, 2016

Disclosure Effectiveness: SEC Proposes to Eliminate “Equity Compensation Plan Table”

Broc Romanek,

Over the past six months, the SEC has issued two different concept releases relating to its disclosure effectiveness project – the first one dealing with Regulation S-X and the second one regarding Regulation S-K. As the Staff continues to analyze the comments submitted on those, the SEC decided a few weeks ago to issue this 318-page proposing release in an effort to update & simplify certain disclosure requirements with the goal of eliminating redundant, overlapping, outdated & superseded requirements. This includes proposing to eliminate the “Equity Compensation Plan Information Table” – under Item 201(d) of Regulation S-K – that is included in the proxy if a plan is being placed on the ballot for a shareholder vote.

The proposing release also seeks the same type of input for US GAAP. There is a 60-day comment period. Here’s the press release – and this is a “demonstration” version of the proposed redlined rule changes, which is another 193 pages by itself…

This is the piece of the SEC’s disclosure effectiveness project that has stirred up Senator Elizabeth Warren. Here’s an angry letter that Sen. Warren wrote to Chair White recently. I don’t believe that criticism is warranted as the SEC has said all along that the project is likely to elicit more disclosure than reduce it on balance – this just happens to be the part of the project that would reduce the volume of repetitive or useless disclosure…