September 30, 2016
House Passes Bill: Postpone Taxing Private Company Equity Awards
– Broc Romanek
As noted in this Compensia memo, the House approved a bill – the ‘Empowering Employees Empowering through Stock Ownership Act’ (HR 5719) – last week that would enable employees of certain privately-held companies to defer the income tax liability associated with the exercise of their stock options and the vesting of their restricted stock unit awards prior to an IPO. A similar bill has been introduced in the Senate, but has yet to be reported out of committee…
As noted in this Willis Towers Watson blog, on a mostly symbolic party-line vote, the House Financial Services Committee recently approved legislation (H.R. 5983) that would repeal the Dodd-Frank CEO pay ratio disclosure rule and make changes in a number of other Dodd-Frank requirements…