The Advisors' Blog

This blog features wisdom from respected compensation consultants and lawyers

September 12, 2016

Notables While I Was Gone: To Fly (With Bruno)

Broc Romanek

1. Nice scoop by John about a possible SEC Enforcement sweep over non-GAAP disclosures.

2. The SEC proposes to mandate links to exhibits! A capital idea that was long overdue. I’ll be blogging more about my own ideas on this – & may even submit my 1st personal comment letter to the SEC about a rulemaking!

3. Corp Fin has been able to get out a slew of proposals despite the limitations of having only three sitting SEC Commissioners! Bravo!

4. While I was gone, John did a helluva job with the Penske file – but he clearly isn’t Penske material (I didn’t even know that Mr. Tuttle was finished interviewing)…

5. Switzerland is awesome! Great vaca. Wasn’t planning on running off a steep cliff & paragliding. But it happened…here’s the 3-minute video to prove it!