The Advisors' Blog

This blog features wisdom from respected compensation consultants and lawyers

November 7, 2016

Say-on-Pay: Have Smaller Companies Figured It Out?

Broc Romanek

Here’s a teaser for this Semler Brossy report:

To date, 1,972 Russell 3000 companies have held Say on Pay votes and 93% have passed with above 70% support. 31 companies (1.6%) have failed Say on Pay thus far in 2016; no additional companies have failed since our last report. Proxy advisory firm ISS has recommended ‘Against’ Say on Pay proposals at 12% of companies it has assessed thus far in 2016. Our special topic this week features a breakdown of Say on Pay results for S&P 500 companies compared against all other companies in the Russell 3000. So far in 2016, smaller companies are receiving higher average Say on Pay support compared to larger companies despite having a slightly higher failure rate. This development is a reversal from prior years when larger companies had noticeably stronger Say on Pay results.