The Advisors' Blog

This blog features wisdom from respected compensation consultants and lawyers

December 1, 2017

Does an Unfavorable Say-on-Pay Vote Mean What It Says?

Broc Romanek

Here’s the intro from this blog by Cooley’s Cydney Posner:

Not really, according to this study by academics from the University of Pennsylvania Law, Rutgers Business and Berkeley Law Schools to be published in the Harvard Business Law Review. Say-on-pay was initiated under a Dodd-Frank mandate adopted against the backdrop of the 2008 financial crisis, largely in reaction to the public’s railing against the levels of compensation paid to some corporate executives despite poor performance by their companies, especially where those firms were viewed as contributors to the crisis itself.

Say-on-pay was expected to help rein in excessive levels of compensation and, even though the vote was advisory only, ascribe some level of accountability to boards and compensation committees that set executive compensation levels. So far, however, say-on-pay votes have served largely as confirmations of board decisions regarding executive compensation and not, in most cases, as the kind of rock-throwing exercises that many companies had feared and some governance activists had hoped. The study reported that, since 2011, the average annual percentage of say-on-pay votes in favor has exceeded 90%, while “the percentage of issuers with a failed say-on-pay vote has never exceeded 3% and, in 2016, that number dropped to just 1.7%.” The study examined what the few failed (or low) votes really meant.

Tune in next Tuesday, December 5th for the webcast — “Your Upcoming Pay Ratio Disclosures” – to hear Compensia’s Mark Borges, Gibson Dunn’s Ron Mueller, Wilson Sonsini’s Dave Thomas and Cooley’s Amy Wood discuss all the latest about how to comply with the new pay ratio rule.