The Advisors' Blog

This blog features wisdom from respected compensation consultants and lawyers

May 7, 2018

Performance Reviews: “The Truth Shall Set You Free”

Liz Dunshee

This blog from Performensation’s Dan Walter really hit home for me. We’ve probably all worked with some boards who are afraid to give real feedback to CEOs, which creates trust & compensation issues when performance doesn’t improve. As advisors, we’re in a position to help. Here’s an excerpt:

Employees want to be led, and generally want the truth. I also think managers generally want to tell the truth, but seldom have the skills to do so delicately. While these managers do a disservice to employees by not laying out a realistic path, those of us in the compensation community do even worse by not providing them with the tools, words and examples that will allow them to discuss both the good and bad.

This is not about avoiding lawsuits or angry ex-employees. This is about not being jerks in the eyes of those we need to keep working hard. Once the trust on performance has eroded in a single example, you risk the chance of other employees questioning their value to the company. Rebuilding trust is far more difficult than maintaining it.

So look at what you’ve asked managers to communicate. Then ask yourself if you have provided them the skillset to do so with a complete level of truth. It is not only our job to make sure that pay is properly designed and set, it is also our responsibility to ensure that the discussions around pay reflect the sometimes harsh reality of underperformance.