The Advisors' Blog

This blog features wisdom from respected compensation consultants and lawyers

March 8, 2019

Even the Rich Think CEOs are Overpaid?

Broc Romanek

The headline from this CNBC article caught my eye: “‘Jesus Christ himself isn’t worth 500 times his median worker pay in companies’ — Disney heiress slams CEO pay.” It made me chuckle as I’ve blogged many times about how 99% of our population think CEOs are overpaid. Just jump into a taxi and strike up a conversation about CEO pay. And I love this reaction to the article that I received from a member: “Heiress Discovers Society Favors Rich. Film at 11.”

Meanwhile, Disney itself is a target over its own CEO pay practices – per this Bloomberg article, CalPERS intends to vote against Disney’s sau-on-pay (and two comp committee members) despite the CEO’s pay being reduced…