September 26, 2019
Gender Pay: EEOC Might Abandon Reporting Requirement For Future Years
– Liz Dunshee
I’ve blogged a couple times about the on-again, off-again requirement to report gender pay data to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. For 2017 & 2018 data, the requirement is still “on” – and the deadline is this Monday, September 30th! But this Faegre memo reports that companies might be relieved of this requirement in future years, since the EEOC has announced that (at least for now) it doesn’t intend to renew its request for authorization to collect the pay data.
What this means for shareholder initiatives that are premised on the availability of the EEOC data is anyone’s guess. The comments on the EEOC’s announcement suggest that the general public is pretty interested in getting the info…