The Advisors' Blog

This blog features wisdom from respected compensation consultants and lawyers

June 13, 2023

Dodd-Frank Clawbacks: SEC Approves Amended Exchange Proposals

Here’s the good news that Meredith blogged yesterday on

Liz blogged last week that the NYSE and Nasdaq proposed amendments to their listing standards to implement the Dodd-Frank clawback rules. The amendments would extend the effective date of the rules to October 2, 2023. The consequence is that companies will have until December 1, 2023 to adopt compliant clawback policies and that they’ll apply to incentive-based compensation received by executive officers on or after October 2, 2023.

The open question was whether & how the SEC would approve these amendments, since Friday was the last day that they could act on the original proposals. The Commission came through at the 11th hour with notices for the NYSE and Nasdaq (and other exchanges) that granted accelerated approval of each exchange’s proposal, as modified by the amendment.

Although a number of companies have already adopted a Dodd-Frank clawback policy in anticipation of these listing standards, there are also a significant number who were going to be attempting to cram it into summer board agendas. This is a welcome development that gives companies & boards more breathing room to carefully consider their policies. We’ve posted several helpful samples in our “Clawbacks” Practice Area for members of this site!

This FW Cook blog has a nice chart that summarizes regulatory developments to-date on this topic. As is the case with any new rule, there are some lingering interpretive & implementation questions. We’ll be discussing these questions and sharing practical pointers for handling them at our “Clawbacks – Key Action Items Now” session of our “20th Annual Executive Compensation Conference,” which is combined with our “Proxy Disclosure Conference” and happening virtually September 20th – 22nd. Register today for this pair of conferences to get all the info you need – and ongoing access to the archives afterwards. You can sign up online or email

Liz Dunshee