July 24, 2017
SEC’s Reg Flex Agenda: Where Did Those Dodd-Frank Rules Go?
– Liz Dunshee
Normally – as Broc has blogged many times (here’s one) – the SEC’s Reg Flex Agendas tend to be “aspirational.” But perhaps this time is different.
As part of a federal agency-wide reveal of the new Administration’s plans for rulemaking, the SEC posted the latest version of its Reg Flex Agenda last week. This agency coordination is the Administration’s “unified agency regulatory agenda.”
This Reg Flex Agenda is notable for what it omits – get a load of what’s not on the list:
– Pay-for-performance
– Clawbacks
– Hedging
– Universal proxy
– Clawbacks of incentive compensation at financial institutions
These Corp Fin rulemakings were among the ones moved from the “Proposed Rule Stage” list to the “Long-Term Actions” list.
Does this mean that the SEC doesn’t intend to ever proceed with adopting any of the outstanding Dodd-Frank rules that are still in the proposal stage? We don’t know. As this Cooley blog notes, the Preamble indicates that it reflects “only the priorities of the Acting Chairman [Michael Piwowar], and [does] not necessarily reflect the view and priorities of any individual Commissioner.” Since the information in the Reg Flex Agenda was accurate as of March 29th – and SEC Chair Jay Clayton wasn’t confirmed until May – it’s unknown how Chair Clayton feels about all this.
But it might be a sign – because as noted in this article from “The Hill”: “OMB said agencies for the first time will post a list of “inactive” rules to notify the public of regulations that are still being reviewed or considered.”
This all doesn’t impact the implementation of the pay ratio rule – because that rule was already adopted a few years ago. It just had a delayed effectiveness date. So it would never show up on a Reg Flex Agenda unless there was rulemaking to delay or repeal it…which there is not…
Pay Ratio Conference: Discounted Rate Ends This Friday
Last chance to register at a reduced rate for our comprehensive “Pay Ratio & Proxy Disclosure Conference.” The discount expires this Friday, July 28th. New Corp Fin Deputy Director Rob Evans will open the event.
It doesn’t matter whether you can make it to DC – because the October 17-18th Conference is available to watch online by video webcast, live on those specific days or by video archive at your convenience. And in addition to the October Conference, you gain access to three pre-conference webcasts. And a set of “Model Pay Ratio Disclosures” in both PDF & Word format.
The first webcast was last week & that 75-minute audio archive is available now – a transcript of that program is coming soon. The second webcast is on August 15th; the third webcast is September 27th.
Register Now – Discount Ends This Friday: This is the only comprehensive conference devoted to pay ratio. Here’s the registration information for the “Pay Ratio & Proxy Disclosure Conference” to be held October 17-18th in Washington DC and via Live Nationwide Video Webcast. Here are the agendas – 20 panels over two days. Register by July 28th to take advantage of the 10% discount.